Morning Routines – Do You Have One?

Journal Coffee

Ahhh, mornings…dreaded by most, loved by a few.  I definitely used to be in the dreaded category, but the more I experimented with the latter, the more I realized how much of a disservice I was doing myself.  Hear me out, I’m not saying you are right or wrong for loving or hating mornings.  I am simply proposing that you consider re-considering your viewpoint and perhaps even experimenting with switching up the post-snooze routine a bit and see what comes of it.  I’m going to share two simple things that I implemented into my morning routine that I find to be fulfilling, inspirational and lead to a better mood = better day.

1.  Morning Reflection Time

Now this can, and will, look different to everyone, but the important thing is setting aside some time to align yourself for the day and to mentally and emotionally fulfill yourself before diving into the craziness of every day life.  For an example, for me – I like to read at least one quote from the Bible before I even get out of bed.  Then after I get a sweat session in (or a walk if it’s a rest day) I take some time, usually 15 minutes, to do my daily Devotional (currently going through Jesus Calling which is so great), write in my journal and reflect on how I am feeling, what I am grateful for, and even plan out a few goals for the day (not tasks, self goals – like be mindful when eating, stay “in the moment”, etc).

This could also mean doing some simple stretches to align your mind and body, meditation, lighting a candle and just sitting and listening to what thoughts and feelings come up, whatever works for you.  The bottom line here is to show yourself support by listening to yourself and taking time to fill yourself up with gratitude and peace before heading out for the day.  Please don’t be turned off or overwhelmed by the time aspect, for starters just aim for an extra 5 minutes (I know you can do that).  Shoot, you don’t even have to get out of bed if that’s too difficult for you right now – leave a notepad and pen on your bed side table and journal from there.   I challenge you to try this at least 2 mornings this week and see how the rest of your day plays out, I think you will be surprised!

2.  Have a Breakfast Date…With Yourself 

I know I just made a lot of you uncomfortable, but that’s ok.  Now the topic of skipping breakfast is a whole different topic for a whole different post, but for this post I am going to assume that all of you do regularly eat a breakfast. 😉 What I’m proposing here is that you actually slow down enough to not just “eat” breakfast, but to actually notice you are eating breakfast and to use the meal as a way of setting the pace for your day.  Now to address the elephant in the room.  Yes, I am suggesting that you wake up a few minutes earlier to be able to sit down and eat a meal at a regular (not Sonic the Hedgehog pace) with yourself.  *GASP*

Why is this so important?  Let’s use an example – have you ever walked into the kitchen before running out the door to work where a busy day awaits and before you even recognize what you are doing you look down and your food is gone and you’re still hungry and have no idea what you really ate or how much?  This is the product of mindlessness.  We all do it, I still do it and it’s a major detriment to supporting yourself and starting your day in a positive light.  By allowing yourself to become preoccupied with the “to-do’s” and “what’s next” all the time, you are missing out on the actual moment you are in.

Think about it, if we are constantly planning out the rest of the day or thinking about how the conversation/meeting/presentation is going to go, you are starting your day in a state of panic and anxiety and not showing up to the moment or surroundings you are currently in.  I have found that by PULLING myself back into the present moment, I am able to subside many of the anxieties that plague my mind and I am able to locate and appreciate the actual place, conversation, people, meal that is actually in front of me at that moment.  It brings so much more fulfillment to your life when you can live this way.  This is why I challenge you to start your day this way.  By doing this, you are setting yourself up to look out for and notice other times you are jumping ahead or overanalyzing past moments which allows you to bring your thoughts back to your present moment.

There you have it, two simple things you can try out in your mornings to bring you more joy, peace and productivity.  What do you think?  Post below your thoughts and one morning switch-up you will try out this week! 

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