Five Secrets to Reaching Your Goals


Do you believe some people are just born with the ability to set a goal and accomplish it without breaking a sweat, or do you believe it’s within anyone’s reach with the right mindset, tools and motivation?  Do you think you could finally get to that “goal weight”, or become that ‘workout warrior’ or never stray from eating well again if only you too were born with that special ability to set and stick to a goal?  Well, I’m here today to tell you that the ability to set and reach those goals is not something that you are either born with or will never be able to attain…it is something that can be learned and better yet, can be broken down into 5 simple “intangible” characteristics.  Curious?  🙂

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The Importance of Community


Community – a word we don’t hear much more in every day life, but a word that I think holds the power to drastically change your life or at least your outlook on life.  I find that as I continue to grow, heal and move away from my negative relationship with food, and continue to strive towards happiness and joy, I continue to (nicely) get slapped across the face with the importance and significance of intentional and meaningful community.  Unfortunately, we live in a world where face to face communication and deep, grounded relationships are being tossed to the curb for the quick and easy communication techniques such as texting, tweeting, Facebooking and Instagramming which are all summarized by the amount of “followers” and “thumbs up” you have as opposed to actual friends you see from week to week.  Now don’t get me wrong, those all have their places and their advantages –

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When it Comes to Food – Is It Really a Lack of Willpower?


Have you ever found yourself continuously overeating at meals, mindlessly (or consciously) eating when you aren’t hungry, feeling “out of control” when food is around, feel like the thought of dancing donuts and bacon never leaves your mind, asking yourself what is wrong with you because you can’t turn down the mid-afternoon break room cookies, can’t figure out why you always find yourself rummaging through your fridge before bed and then ultimately feeling like crap about yourself because of the aforementioned happenings.  If so, perfect!  Perfect because I know exactly how you feel because I was there, and perfect because I can also tell you with 110% confidence that there is nothing wrong with you!  Nothing at all.  You are not a failure, you are not lacking “will power”, you are not a lost cause, you aren’t weak minded, you are simply using food as a means to fill some sort of void in your life or to manage some sort of uncomfortable feeling or stream of thought.

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Morning Routines – Do You Have One?

Journal Coffee

Ahhh, mornings…dreaded by most, loved by a few.  I definitely used to be in the dreaded category, but the more I experimented with the latter, the more I realized how much of a disservice I was doing myself.  Hear me out, I’m not saying you are right or wrong for loving or hating mornings.  I am simply proposing that you consider re-considering your viewpoint and perhaps even experimenting with switching up the post-snooze routine a bit and see what comes of it.  I’m going to share two simple things that I implemented into my morning routine that I find to be fulfilling, inspirational and lead to a better mood = better day.

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Are You Afraid of Failure?


Wow.  I can’t believe I am writing my FIRST blog post for my new website – so first things first, WELCOME!  I am beyond excited to start this blog and to start a relationship with each and every one of you.  This website is something I’ve been dreaming of for a very, very long time and I have so much excitement for sharing my passions with you (and hopefully inspiring you) that I barely know where to begin.  🙂  Truth be told, it is also something that I was absolutley terrified of doing….and that brings me to the topic I wanted to share with all of you today – FEAR of failure!  (insert dramatic music here).

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